1. Here you will be able to scroll down to the venue that you are looking to book. To narrow this search down, you can use the drop-down menus at the top of the page which will help filter your search.
2. Once you have found the session you are looking to book, click on ‘Info & Booking’ on the right-hand side.
3. Here you will find all the information regarding the session including dates, times and costings.
4. Click ‘Book this class’, this will then take you to the booking form where you will fill out all of the information on your child including Name, Age, Medical conditions and Contact information.
5. Once you have filled this out, you will be able to move onto the payment process, here once you have filled this information out you can complete your booking.
6. Once your payment has been completed, you will receive a confirmation email along with a receipt of your payment.